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Our Story

I started my writing career while working for the Federal Government.  I studied at AWAI (American Writers & Artists, Inc.) where I took courses like the ProResume Writer, The Accelerated Six-Figure Copywriting Program and the Companion Series.  I'm currently studying the Social Media course that Nick Usborne has online at AWAI.  It's all about learning something new every day of your life.  Making your dreams a reality and learning how to become a better writer. It’s easy, it's online and it's economical for any budget! You can learn more at



I started my career working for the Federal Government as a secretary for a Public Affairs Officer who always said to me, "Carmen you can grow in this field and become a leader".  I always thought that it would be difficult but I set myself up for success and worked my way up to the next level in my career. I had my manager prepare an Individual Development Plan where it would show me each step of the way up the Corporate Ladder.  I then became a secretary of a group of Revenue Agents where I learned so much and got so much love from the entire group.  The manager named Franceschini always told me you will SUCCEED, You are dedicated, trustworthy, and you are always on time...never late and you have all the attributes of a great boss. 


You can imagine how I felt and I worked my way up every single day of my career.  Became a Tax Auditor, Then managed a group of tax auditors.  Worked in the Puerto Rico Office as a Supervisor of International Tax Auditors who travelled around the world assisting with Federal taxes and preparing tax returns.  I kept with my career plans and then travelled to Florida TAC Office where I spent most of my years, developing employees, managing groups all around Florida, served as a Territory Manager until I retired in 2011.  Following your dreams is what it is all about...and never stop learning that has been my motto throughout my life.  Everyone has a purpose in LIFE...and for me LIVE, LOVE and LAUGH has been my three words that always brings joy to my heart!

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